Hello folks,
Just a quickie to tell you about our Christmas party at Bottoms Up. Our next party will be on the 9th December! We will be hosting it at a lovely venue in Central London, near Vauxhall railway/underground station. The party runs from 12.30-5.30pm. We do hope you will join us! Contact us at bottomsupspanking@hotmail.co.uk
It is that time of year again, yes you have guessed it the christmas panto. The trouble is all has not been going well in rehearsal with the girls all bickering over who gets the most lines and who gets to stand centre stage. If this continues the show cannot go on! Gentlemen we need you to put a stop to this by administering some good old fashioned discipline upon each of the girls bottoms! Miss Woods has caused the biggest problem by throwing regular strops and demanding her dressing room be decorated and fresh flowers delivered to it every day! This lady has become too big for her boots so all gentlemen are invited to give her 6 strokes of the cane from cold to teach her a lesson in humility!
Our ladies are:
Leia-Ann Woods

Sam Johnson:

Aleesha Fox:

Jadie Reece:




Now there are only 3 places left so if you would like to come do mail or call in. To find out more about Bottoms up, visit www.bottomsupspanking.com That's all folks!
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