Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Shooting with Dreams of spanking and other news

Hello folks, I do apologise for my absence but a combination of summer fun plus my real life work has got in the way of my blogging here for far too long.  However, as the nights draw in the kink levels always go up in the land of LAW.  Quick news first is that I have passed my driving test and am now a proud owner of a shiny car.  My good friend Jadie Reece has named it the LAW mobile.  I prefer Miss O'Hara as it is scarlet in colour, but who am I to argue?

We had a great party on 5th September with the theme of the Moulin Rouge, where all girls were dressed in stunning corsets, stockings and high heels to take their punishment for an attempted strike.  Naturally I suffered a cold caning to start for being at the route of the trouble.  My next Bottoms Up party is on 25th October and should promise to be just as much fun.  Check out the website or get in touch with me for more details.  www.bottomsupspanking.com

Finally, last Friday I was privileged to shoot with the lovely Pandora Blake for her website Dreams of Spanking.  The scenes were epic and original and I thoroughly enjoyed the day.  I could not have wished for more.  I was able to be a Wren, a lady of a victorian manor house and a victorian tart to name but a few.  I won't say too much yet as the lady has not yet posted about the shoot herself, no doubt because she is shattered from a week of filming!  Needless to say I had much fun and look forward to going back.  I hope to post some pictures here soon.

That is all for now folks, but I shall be posting up one of my epic fantasies here over the next few days.

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