Monday, 7 January 2013

BU party 8th February

Our next party will be on the 8th February! We will be hosting it at a lovely venue in Central London, near Vauxhall railway/underground station. The party runs from 12.30-6.00pm. We do hope you will join us! Contact us at

As an antidote to Valentines day Miss Woods has decided on a production of Chicago for the school play, featuring the six merry murderesses of the Cook County jail. Unfortunately the school governors did not appreciate the particularly sexy outfits combined with even more provocative jazz moves inspired by the great Bob Fosse. The 'ladies' involved in the Cell Block Tango routine have been dragged before you gentlemen for some good discipline. Miss Woods as choreographer of the routine and designer of the costumes has been deemed particularly responsible and has been given the extra punishment of a public cold caning. After this each lady will be dealt with by each gentleman (including Miss Woods) before being given the cane themselves.

For those gentlemen who switch there is an opportunity to do this during the latter half of the party. If you would like to join us please do let us know as soon as possible by e-mailing us at

For those who know little about Chicago or the piece of music I am talking about here it is:

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